The use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) is growing by the day. More and more customers are enabling MFA for administrator accounts to protect their cloud environment a little bit more. But that also might affect your PowerShell scripts. In this post I want to point out how to deal with...
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Create Azure AD App Registration with PowerShell–Part 2
In my previous post I started with the basic Azure AD App registration using PowerShell. I described how to set the HomePage URL, Reply URLs and even create an Application Key. In this second part I’ll take you to the next level! I’ll describe how to add required permissions for...
Continue reading...Creating Azure AD App Registration with PowerShell – Part 1
When developing Microsoft cloud solutions, Azure Active Directory is very important. Not only for user accounts, but also for registering your app. With this app you provide secure sign in and authorization for its services. This first of 2 articles describes how to register your app using PowerShell instead of...
Continue reading...Get the default Azure Function key with PowerShell
In my current project I use Octopus deployment to deploy my Azure Web App and Function. The Azure Web App calls the Azure Function by its web hook (or Function Url). However, when both components are deployed in the same Octopus deployment process, how can you configure the function Url?...
Continue reading...Copy files to Azure Web App with PowerShell and Kudu API
Imagine a smooth running Azure Web site and you want to add some new files to it. I am not talking about new code, so no new version of the web app to deploy. No, think about additional resource or content files. In my case departments around the world are...
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