Paging not correct when XsltListViewWebParts are added on page

I was provisioning pages programmatically with XsltListViewWebParts and that worked just fine. During testing I noticed that when the webpart was using a view configured for paging, the paging controls did not work properly. After some searching on the net I found some articles and how surprisingly they did not work for me.

These were the articles:


An Announcement list with 6 items. Created a view called TestPaging with paging set to 5 items.



Paging controls are rendering fine, except when on the last page. The Previous-button is not present, so users cannot page back to previous items.

I have SharePoint 2013 SP1 running and this is my code snippet:

XsltListViewWebPart announcementView = new XsltListViewWebPart();
announcementView.ID = "g_" + announcementViewId.Replace('-', '_');
announcementView.Title = "Team announcements";
announcementView.ListName = announcementList.ID.ToString("B").ToUpper();
announcementView.ViewGuid = announcementList.Views["TestPaging"].ID.ToString("B").ToUpper();
wpmgr.AddWebPart(announcementView, "wpz", 0);

When I tried the wpmgr.SaveChanges() right after the AddWebPart() call I got the NullReferenceException. More time for searching the net was needed. Then I stumbled on this article:

Yep. I have SP1 running.

Then I started ILSpy so I could analyse the SaveChanges code:

public void SaveChanges(WebPart webPart)
    System.Guid storageKey = this.WebPartManager.GetStorageKey(webPart);

public Guid GetStorageKey(WebPart webPart)
    return WSSProps.GetStorageKey(webPart, this.AttachedProperties);

The call to ThrowIfNotOnPage triggered me. While I was adding the webparts to the page using the SPLimitedWebPartManager, the page itself was not yet in a final state. What if I call the SaveChanges() method for the XsltListViewWebParts after the page initially is provisioned? In other words: let’s update the page when the first round of priovisioning is done.

I added the following code and called it after the page was fully provisioned and saved.

private void UpdateAllXsltListViewWebParts(SPWeb web)
        SPFile welcomePage = web.GetFile(web.RootFolder.WelcomePage); 

        using (SPLimitedWebPartManager wpmgr = welcomePage.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared))
            foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart wpInstance in wpmgr.WebParts)
                if (wpInstance.GetType() == typeof(XsltListViewWebPart))

    catch (Exception e)
        //Logging or whatever

Worked like a charm now!

