Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2018

Every year I attend several SharePoint Saturdays, especially Netherlands and Belgium. This year I am thrilled to be present as a speaker. Together with my colleague Albert-Jan Schot we are going to talk about Cloud First Deployments.

So you’ve built something awesome for Office 365 and now you want to have it deployed? Is the IT department giving you a hard time? In this session we show you a lot of Developer and IT Pro better-together demo’s how to get your solution in the right place the right way. So while Office 365 and Azure provide you with large scale options, we show how to keep control of your DTAP scenarios in the cloud. You get real world insights in how you can set up your multiple environments and manage your deployments, making sure you stay in control!

As usual, the line-up is amazing and there are lots of great sessions. If you managed to get a ticket, feel lucky and enjoy the day!

See you all in Brussels!

